The world's most trusted hose and fittings
if you have any questions about the Gates Hydraulic Hose Assembly Machinery for your application, please use our Enquiry Form.A Gates hose assembly is much more than the sum of its components. It is the combined result of a rigorous test regime and of a tightly controlled manufacturing process, both at Gates and at the point of assembly.
To reduce the risk of premature failure due to variations in the assembly process, Gates has developed a special proposition for mobile service operations allowing them to benefit from the simplified and superior Global range of no-skive hoses and couplings.
And thanks to the Gates Integrated System, mobile service operators can offer their customers the superior quality and performance which make the world’s most trusted hose assemblies.
In the field, every minute counts.
In today’s environment, equipment, whether it be agricultural, construction or mining, simply cannot afford unnecessary downtime. That’s why Gates has developed a range of small, portable and easy to use crimpers specifically designed for end-users on site.
And since these simple, lightweight machines are designed as part of the Gates Integrated System, end-users are assured of factory-quality no-skive assemblies – even in the field!
if you have any questions about the Gates Hydraulic Hose Assembly Machinery for your application, please use our Enquiry Form.
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